Frequently Asked Questions

What are the opening hours in Hlíðarfjall?

You can see the opening hours of Hlíðarfjall here:

Where do I buy a ticket?

I accidentally booked wrong date or wrong ticket.

Please contact us

Do I need a Ski Card to buy a ticket and where can I get this plastic SKIDATA card?

You can buy the card ahead at N1 stations in Akureyri as well as N1 Ártúnsbrekka, N1 Engihjalla Kópavogur, N1 Lækjargata Hafnarfjörður, and N1 Mosfellsbær and don't cue at the ticket office. You can also purchase a new card with your tickets and pick up them at the ticket office.

Can I use the same SKIDATA card which I use in another ski area?

Yes, the pocket card can be used in both places. Remember to buy your pass, season passes from different areas aren´t valid in Hlidarfjall.

Can I get a refund if closed due to the weather?

Yes, we will refund the lift ticket if it is closed due to the weather and the whole area is closed. No refunds apply if only the upper area or chairlift is closed due to the weather.

Do I need to get in touch with you to get a refund?

Yes, please send us an Inquiry.

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Students must present confirmation of schooling when purchasing winter cards.

All inquiries regarding groups should be sent to